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Setting up Sysinternals

Whilst Sysinternals can be downloaded and ran from the location to which they are extracted to, there is more preferable way to install on a system in which they will be used more frequently.

  • Download Sysinternals from:
  • Extract the downloaded zip contents to: C:\Program Files (x86)\SYSINT
    • Extracting to this directory is useful for white-listing
  • Run the program “sysdm.cpl” from the Windows menu
    • Click the “Advanced Tab” -> Click “Environment Variables”

      Environment Variables

      Environment Variables

    • Double click on the “Path” variable -> Add a new variable pointing to: C:\Program Files (x86)\SYSINT
      • Now we can run the Sysinternal tools from cmd without needing to be in the directory
    • Add a new System variable named “_NT_SYMBOL_PATH” with the value “srv*c:\symbols*”

      The path for the _NT_SERVER_PATH

      The path for the _NT_SERVER_PATH

Tip: Use the flag “/accepteula” to prevent the interactive window appearing when using the tools in a batch, for example.

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